ARABIAN SURVEYING & CONSTRUCTION (ASC) – Turnover and blessing of Forty eighty (48) isolation rooms to the Local government of Davao City in their aid of helping fight the deadly COVID-19 with our Beloved MAYOR SARA DUTERTE-CARPIO. Our affiliated partner, ASC, supports the Davao City government and is one with City Mayor Sara, whose aim is to make the necessary measures to isolate potential carriers of the disease and give appropriate care. These air-conditioned rooms are equipped with medical facilities and ensuring a comfort accommodation with 24-hour security. This facility will be used immediately to serve its purpose.

CBRNE units are protective measures being taken by the military in times of presence of such threats. It is a defense that includes passive protection (quarantine and other preventive measures), contamination avoidance (decontamination techniques) and, mitigation of such threats.